Get to know the owner…

…Garrett Morris

Gus and Garrett

The immense passion I have for watching a plant grow each new leaf has led me to a place where I hope to spread the joy, beauty, and excitement of having a new plant in your life.

Since I acquired my first Golden pothos back in 2014 my love for aroids and other houseplant varieties has grown to a level I would have never dreamed of back then!

Being born and raised in the DFW metroplex has not always been rewarding when attempting to grow tropical plants. I’ll just say the weather here is a little… different… than let’s say… Florida!

Nonetheless, over the years I have learned to grow happy and healthy plants.

Opening and owning my very own plant shop has been a dream of mine for many years now. Having it become a reality is so surreal. I look forward to sharing my plant collection with the public, and forming personal relationships with my customers.

I’ve been employed as a full-time accounting associate at a family owned business for over ten years now, and take great pride, and am never lackadaisical in my work.

I give you my promise to usher my reliable work ethic into this new adventure.

Thank you for visiting and shopping at SoCo Plants!

- Garrett